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1/2 Alfalfa Honey - Gift Set

$ 8.00

  • All Natural No Added Sugars
  • Raw Organic Honey
  • Environimently Friendly

Indulge in the delightful Alfalfa Honey, a remarkable essence of light sweetness with a nuanced touch of grassiness. This exceptional honey variety is a versatile addition to your culinary creations, perfect for enhancing the flavors of cooking, tea, coffee, or any delicacy in need of a natural sweetener. Alfalfa honey, also recognized as Lucerne honey, originates from the exquisite nectar and pollen of Medic-ago sativa flowers. The alfalfa plant, a legume akin to beans and peas, serves as a primary protein source for livestock and yields a sought-after honey variant renowned for its impressive health benefits. Rich in probiotics, this honey exhibits extensive probiotic, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties that contribute to skincare, blood sugar regulation, hypoglycemia management, and as a valuable remedy for skin issues, coughs, and sore throats. Embrace the nutritional richness of Alfalfa honey, a natural solution to an array of health concerns encompassing skin problems, digestive troubles, and respiratory infections. Unlock the potential of nature's goodness with every spoonful of this Alfalfa Honey.

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