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Enter the Sweepstakes

We're thrilled to give back to our amazing supporters with a chance to win  $50 in Reward Points in our exciting contest!

Use these points to add some sweet Christmas...Birthday or Other Gifts ideas. You can also use them to add some sweetness to your own life.

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Ways to Earn Extra Points

√  Invite Friends and Family to Join and earn extra points.
√  Share the Sweetness on Facebook and Instagram.
√  One (1) point for every dollar purchase.
√  One Winner picked every month.
  (no purchase nessesary to enter)

Learn More About Pollinators

It's impossible to overestimate the importance of pollinators — to plants, animals, people, ecosystems — to the survival of the planet as we know it.

Many pollinators are small insects, easily overlooked in our day-to-day lives. However, were they to disappear, we'd surely notice then. We'd say goodbye to apples, blueberries, cucumbers, kiwis, squash, and many more of our favorite foods, as well as the meats we get from livestock that eat forage crops, such as alfalfa, that depend on pollinators. Pollinators bring us an estimated 1 out of every 3 bites of our food!

Click to Learn More

Our Mission

To expand and improve the environment for all pollinators that will aid in theirs and our survival by educations, awareness and hands-on practices. To embrace more humans on the benefits of Raw Honey through different uses that would promote acceptability and "give their taste buds a treat".

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